Insights into data

MSFT returns after crossover buy events

With the Brexit upon us and the United Kingdom voting to leave the European Union, how will the domestic stock market behave? Some people believe that the market will take a hit.

If the market takes a dip, I want to be somewhat ready to take advantage of the buying opportunity.

My theory is that domestic stocks or ETFs should not get effected too much, but if they do, I’d like to know how they may behave after taking a 3% dip.


June 24th, 2016

Posted In: Exploratory Analysis


MSFT returns after crossover buy events

When investing in stocks, I often use technical indicators (along with fundamental homework) to figure out what stocks to buy and when. I understand how a stock is supposed to behave after a technical event happens and can get a good idea of how it did behave by using charts such as on Google Finance or Yahoo Finance and plotting the technicals, but what does it look like if I compile the events into one chart and see how the stock performs after the event as a whole?


June 23rd, 2016

Posted In: Exploratory Analysis

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