Insights into data

When working with data science on a regular basis within an organization, or for multiple organizations, a data science process is essential for creating quality analysis, insights, and models in an efficient manner.

The idea of having a standardized process for Data Science in particular is a somewhat new idea. For example, data science is often a team or individual who gathers data, processes the data, and generates a report for the business, often times different than the last report. This inconsistency makes it difficult to manage existing solutions and difficult for other team members to fill in. (more…)

December 27th, 2016

Posted In: Machine Learning


housing feature correlation

So far, I’ve taken a few of machine learning classes, all from Coursera, and all of them started with predicting house prices with linear regression to get us started with machine learning.

For those of you that would like to get an in-depth look at Machine Learning, I would recommend the Machine Learning class taught by Andrew Ng. It is a very resource intensive class, resources being the time spent on the assignments and learning.


May 30th, 2016

Posted In: Exploratory Analysis, Machine Learning

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regression charts

This example uses the USMacroG data provided with R to calculate consumption from changes within other variables.

Let us predict changes in consumption (real consumption expenditures) from changes in other variables such as dpi (real disposable personal income), cpi (consumer price index), and government (real government expenditures).


January 17th, 2015

Posted In: Machine Learning
